

Our sustainability ambition

DAT-Schaub, as a global casing company, delivers sustainability improvements by focusing on optimizing our own production and supply chain, particularly in the areas of salt and water usage, waste handling, freight, and Health and Safety.

As a part of Danish Crown, DAT-Schaub works towards more sustainable food production and have increased our investment in sustainability and innovation throughout our value chain.

Sustainability is an integrated part of our business strategy where five target areas set the direction for our contribution to the UN2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

We are committed to, as part of Danish Crown, to deliver our part of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) by ensuring that our climate actions lead to absolute reductions in our greenhouse gas emissions.

We respect human and labour rights in all our operations and activities and recognize our responsibility to avoid any kind of violation of human and labour rights in our value chain. We have incorporated the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of the International Labour Organization into our Code of Conduct, ESG Policy, Supplier Code of Conduct and Codes of Practice for livestock suppliers.

Strategy, commitments and annual reports

You can read more about our commitments and sustainability strategy here.

Sustainability strategy

Group results on sustainability is, furthermore, presented in the annual reports.

Annual reports

Here you will find information about our certificates, codes of conduct and policies.

Certificates and policies

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