DCW Casing, LLC. is a proud recipient of our BRC Certification as of November, 2014. As the leading United States manufacturer in the sausage casing business, DCW believes we also have a commitment to be a leader in food safety within our industry.
BRC is the global standard for food quality and safety. To pass the BRC certification, you must exemplify elevated standards for plant sanitation, product safety, and quality. BRC is approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), stating that it encompasses all aspects of quality and safety as they pertain to food processing. With a failure rate of 50% on first audits, DCW is proud to display our ‘A’ grade, demonstrating our commitment and success regarding food safety.
With yearly audits, DCW is committed to continually leading a path to further food safety. We have an ongoing commitment to transparency regarding our product, people, and process. BRC Certficiation provides our vendors, distributors, retailers, and consumers great confidence and credibility regarding food safety.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Kind regards,
Richard Gordon
VP of Operations
BRC Certification DCW